Running a studio, teaching classes, consulting, setting up freelance & studio work, Zoom meetings 3 times a week. This has been my life the last 9 weeks. Ambitious? Definitely! Too much? Possibly. Potential for catastrophic failure? Most certainly! LOL! It’s truly not as bad as all that, but last week I was definitely trying to scramble eggs in the shower. That’s attempting to do two things at the same time that more than likely will ruin both things instead of doing each properly in their own space and time. A problem reserved for the overly ambitious, the people pleasers, the control freaks, the overconfident, & the habitual procrastinators. I, admittedly, am guilty of all of these to varying degrees. Less so procrastination and more like anxiety-level overthinking, but I digress!
Took the last couple of days to kind of reset and channel this ambitious bundle of excitement and enthusiasm about the studio and my current career plans. I decided that if I’m going to accomplish all that I set out to do I’ve got to make some more changes. Streamline even further. With that, this will be my last week of non-studio classes. That’ll eliminate two of the Zoom calls per week. The consultations will also end this week. I’ll only be concentrating on studio work, which includes out freelance gigs, and my work with Upper Deck from next week on. The studio has work through May. So, we’re super good there and we’ll re-open our freelance schedule to new work in June.
For now, here are a few of the doodles from the sides of scripts and layouts we’re working on collected into the sketch page you see here! A few images alluding to what we’ve done, what we’re currently doing, and what’s on the horizon! Enjoy, have a great week, and trust the process! Always! LOL!
You can scramble the egg, but Not on the stove!😂😂