I’ve been keeping this idea close to the vest for years with my wife being the only person who knew about it. As I continue to build my IP library and slowly share them with the world I try to seize opportunities that will allow me to do that in a way that is both low commitment and grants me a hundred percent freedom. One of those opportunities found its way to me at this past San Diego Comic Con by way of friend and Action Lab alumni, David Schrader. David, along with Clay Adams, is the Co-Publisher of Bloodline Comics. As stated on their ‘X’(formerly Twitter) page, Bloodline Comics is a division of Bloodline Pictures and produce work in the horror genre. I happen to be a horror fan.
When David approached me after the con while we were all mingling at the hotel bar (and some of us getting Covid), he asked if I’d be interested in contributing to the third installment of their successful Kickstarter horror anthology Nightmare Theater. His timing was absolutely perfect and once he said that I could do as little as a 2-page short story it was a no-brainer. The perfect vehicle to do a soft debut of one of my favorite creations yet. ZOMBIE EATER. Gives me goosebumps just typing this! While I continue to work diligently on Midnight Tiger, it was nice to take a very short detour into my creator library and share with you my own take of another favorite genre of mine. I’ve provided a special preview for paid subscribers. Enjoy and be on the lookout this Tuesday on Halloween when Bloodline Comics launches Nightmare Theater 3-D on Kickstarter!